Mortgage Calculator

Please enter the following information to get started. Our handy calculator will even show the effects of overpaying your mortgage too.

😊 Fill in the form above and we'll show you a lovely graph of your mortgage over time.

Key Figures

For those spreadsheet lovers

{{ monthlyMortgage | currency '£' }}

is what we would expect your typical mortgage payment to be each month

{{ totalInterest | currency '£' }}

is the total interest paid on a mortgage of {{ mortgageValue | currency '£' }} over {{ mortgage_term }} years

{{ interestSaved | currency '£' }}

is the total interest saved by overpaying your mortgage by {{ overpayment | currency '£' }} each month

Just {{ Math.ceil(overPaymentDuration) }} years, {{ overPaymentDurationMonths }} months

is how soon you would pay off your mortgage by overpaying your mortgage by {{ overpayment | currency '£' }} each month

{{ iPhones }}

are the number of iPhones bought with the interest saved by overpaying your mortgage. 👍