Preparing for the longevity megatrend in an uncertain world

Preparing for the longevity megatrend in an uncertain world

As a new year dawns and we ponder what the next 12 months may hold for us as individuals and investors, one thing is for certain – some familiar challenges lie ahead.  The International Monetary Fund (IMF)1 unveiled its latest economic assessment the week prior to the US election, proclaiming a period of ‘stable but […]

How to align wealth and purpose

Purpose has lately become a buzzword for investors and companies. Whether ‘mission-oriented’ investing excites you or makes you want to run for the hills, aligning your wealth with your values and interests can bring rich rewards.  Give and grow  Historically, wealthy people wanting to make a difference have done so through philanthropy. In response to […]

Get into the savings habit to enhance your wellbeing

A report from UK Savings Week shows that having a savings habit improves wellbeing.  Savers on the lowest incomes were found to benefit the most from regularly putting money aside, with 53% of this group reporting that they are satisfied with their life. However, only 40% of low-income non-savers could say the same1.  Interestingly, low-income […]

Why should you care about correlation

If you want your investment portfolio to strike a good balance between risk and return, it’s worth knowing how correlation can impact your investments.  If two different investments are perfectly correlated, their value will rise and fall by the same amount, at the same time. Investing in highly correlated assets can increase your losses, because […]

A third of Gen X think they will never retire

Recently released research1 suggests a significant proportion of working age people are no longer planning a traditional ‘hard stop’ retirement, with 45 to 54-year-olds most likely to feel they will continue working beyond pensionable age.  Work work work  According to the survey, more than a fifth of working age adults think it unlikely they will […]

Don’t just plan – protect your money

Are you confident you have all the relevant cover in place to protect your finances? Having a financial plan should go hand-in-hand with a conversation about insurance.  The statistics  We may not like to think about death, but the reality is it is inevitable; however, data has revealed that only 29% of UK adults have […]

Self-employed? Remember your pension

Over one million individuals have entered self-employment since 20201, so it is important to ensure you are still planning for retirement by making regular pension contributions.  A growing sector  In 2023, there were 4.2 million people in the UK’s solo self-employed sector – 3% higher than the previous year. Overall, the solo self-employed contributed £331bn […]

Avoiding the unretirement ‘tax trap’

Research1 suggests a significant minority of over-55s either have or are planning to unretire. Worryingly, though, a majority in this group have not checked the tax implications associated with such a decision, leaving many potentially at risk of falling foul of the unretirement ‘tax trap.’  The great unretirement continues  According to the research, more than […]